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第1309章 附录五:双语视窗(488~566)(2/3)

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514.Rub one's hands together to warm them.搓手取暖

515.Stand still and refuse to make progress.固步自封

516.Start something new just in order to be different.标新立异

517.The day is long to him who knows not how to use it.百无聊赖

518.The words fail to convey the idea.词不达意

519.They seem to have met before.似曾相识

520.This is not to be mentioned to outsiders.不足为外人道。

521.To make you must break.不破不立

522.Treat other people as you would like to be treated; be considerate.推己及人

523.Try to make sb. do what he is unwilling or unable to.强人所难

524.Use a long rope to lie the sun-try to stop the passage of time.长绳系日

The Gerund/Participle(动词-ing形式)

525.Be careful not to get choked while eating-be very cautious.吃饭防噎

526.Go away without taking leave.不辞而别

527.It's like a strong wind sweeping away dead leaves.疾风扫落叶。

528.Keep the general goal in sight while taking hold of the daily tasks.大处着眼,小处着手。

529.Let's not leave without seeing each other.不见不散

530.Live off one person while secretly helping another.吃里爬外

531.Look at the flowers while riding a horse.-gain a shallow understanding from a fleeting glance.走马看花

532.One can gain new knowledge by reviewing old; one understands the present by reviewing the past.温故知新

533.One has difficulty walking; one walks with difficulty.步履维艰

534.One is unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one.高不成,低不就。

535.One plugs one's ears while stealing a bell-deceive oneself.掩耳盗铃

536.People run around spreading the news.奔走相告

537.Pretend to advance along one path while secretly going along another.明修栈道,暗渡陈仓。

538.Pull down the bridge after crossing the river.过河拆桥

539.Rely upon hearsay instead of seeing for oneself.以耳代目

540.Seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function.顾名思义

541.Seeing the thing one thinks of the person-the thing reminds one of its owner.睹物思人

542.Something sets somebody thinking.发人深省


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