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第1307章 附录五:双语视窗(442~487)(1/2)

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I am sailing(远航)

Knowledge is sea while rules are ships. Pilot the ship of rules and voyage through the seas of knowledge.Master what is limited and you’ll be able to make it to what is boundless.

As in the Changjiang River,the waves behind drive on those before, so each new generation excels the last one.A young phoenix sings better than an old one.Wish you a good life!知识是海,规则是船。驾驭规则之船,在知识的海洋自由冲浪。掌握有限,通达无限。长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强。雏凤清于老凤声,愿你拥有好人生。





442.A hundred flowers contend up in beauty.百花争艳

443.All sorts of feelings well up in one's heart.百感交集

444.A remarkable place produces outstanding people.地灵人杰

445.A still tongue makes a wise head.智者寡言

446.At whose hand will the deer die-who will win the prize?鹿死谁手

447.Great skill seems awkward.大巧若拙

448.It has been raining heavily for days.淫雨霏霏

449.It is raining and blowing hard; it's wet and windy.风雨交加

450.Lay down your arms and we'll spare your lives.缴枪不杀

451.Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off-whoever started the trouble should end it.解铃还须系铃人。

452.Lookers-on see most of the game.当局者迷,旁观者清。

453.Shoot a pearl at the sparrow-the loss outweighs the gain.明珠弹雀

454.The affair is over and the situation has changed.事过境迁

455.The days flew past.岁月奔逝

456.The moon is down and the stars have set.月落星沉

457.The name matches the reality.名副其实

458.The plot has come to light; the secret is out.东窗事发

459.The year is drawing to a close.腊尽冬残

460.Time went by like an arrow.光阴似箭/ Time flies like an arrow; how time flies.光阴似箭

461.Try to carve a swan and at least you'll get a duck-aim reasonably high and you won't fall far short.刻鹄类鹜

462.We'll meet again some day.后会有期

463.When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to his equal.见贤思齐

464.White clouds change into gray dogs.白云苍狗

465.You have been well, I trust, since we parted?别来无恙


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