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第1304章 附录五:双语视窗(350~441)(2/3)

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377.Ill luck turns into good.逢凶化吉

378.I'm just the same as before.依然故我

379.It benefits other people as well as oneself.利己利人

380.It forms a connecting link between what comes before and what goes after.承上启下

381.It looks impressive but lacks real worth-it looks better than it is.虚有其表

382.It's as easy as turning one's hand over.易如反掌

383.It’s hard to guard against.防不胜防

384.It's hard to succeed without support.孤掌难鸣

385.It’s mixed but not confused.杂而不乱

386.It’s suitable for old and young alike.老少咸宜

387.Let time slip by accomplishing nothing.蹉跎岁月

388.Like attracts like.同声相应,同气相求。

389.Love money as much as life itself.爱财如命

390.Make still further progress.百尺竿头,更进一步。

391.Make what is good still better.锦上添花

392.Meet again after a long separation.久别重逢

393.No admittance except on business.非公莫入

394.Not a crow or sparrow is heard.鸦雀无声

395.One answers questions without hesitation.对答如流

396.One brings out one’s strengths to make up for one’s weaknesses.扬长补短

397.One considers it a pleasure to be among the first to read (a poem, article, etc)or see(a play, ballet, etc)先睹为快

398.One day seems like a year.度日如年

399.One depends on somebody for a living.寄人篱下

400.One has really given much thought to the matter.用心良苦

401.One is soft outside but hard inside.外柔内刚

402.One is the bravest of the brave in the whole army.勇冠三军

403.One looks at the sky from the bottom of a well.坐井观天

404.One should give the matter further thought and discussion.从长计议

405.One sings joyfully in a loud voice.引吭高歌

406.One sleeps with one’s clothes on.和衣而睡

407.One touches gold and turns it into iro*****correct a piece of writing.点金成铁

408.One touches iron and turns it into gold-turn a crude essay into a literary gem.点铁成金

409.One trouble follows another.一波未平,一波又起。

410.One turns against a friend and shows him no mercy.翻脸无情

411.One waits till the end of the world.地老天荒

412.One waked up to one’s error.幡然醒悟


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