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第1294章 附录五:双语视窗(170~190)

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I am sailing(远航)

Knowledge is sea while rules are ships. Pilot the ship of rules and voyage through the seas of knowledge.Master what is limited and you’ll be able to make it to what is boundless.

As in the Changjiang River,the waves behind drive on those before, so each new generation excels the last one.A young phoenix sings better than an old one.Wish you a good life!知识是海,规则是船。驾驭规则之船,在知识的海洋自由冲浪。掌握有限,通达无限。长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强。雏凤清于老凤声,愿你拥有好人生。



170.A big wind can blow through a small hole; a little leak can sink a great ship.针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。

171.A moment's error can bring a lifelong regret.一失足成千古恨。

172.A storm may arise from a clear sky-something unexpected may happen at any time.天有不测风云。

173.Between grief and nothing I will take grief.-William Faulkner在悲痛与虚无之间,我愿意选择悲痛。

174. He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages.为金钱侍奉上帝的人,为了更多的报酬也会给魔鬼卖力。

175.He who has done nothing shameful by day, needn't be alarmed by a knock on the door at night.日间不做亏心事,半夜敲门不吃惊。

176.Human knowledge can in no way be separated from practice.人的知识一点也不能离开实践。

177.If you want to work with iron, you must be tough yourself.打铁先得本身硬。

178.Only the selfless can be fearless.无私才能无畏。

179.The cleverest housewife can’t cook a meal without rice.巧妇难为无米之炊。

180.The Master said, A craftsman, if he means to do good work, must first sharpen his tools.子曰:“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”

181.You can’t gain knowledge without practice.不经一事,不长一智。

182.You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.人必须相信自己,那是成功的秘诀。

183.Your bodies and names will perish, but the river will flow on forever.尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流。

The Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气)(I)

184.I have read ten thousand volumes, And it is as if I were guided by the spirits when I write.读书破万卷,下笔如有神。

185.One never goes to the temple for no reasons; I wouldn't come to you if I hadn't something to ask of you.无事不登三宝殿。

186.The bird wishes it were a cloud, The cloud wishes it were a bird.鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟。

187.The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.若非一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花扑鼻香。

188.Without coincidences there would be no stories.无巧不成书。

189..Without hope, the heart would break.没有希望,心灵就会衰竭。—卡登姆

190.Would that we could live a long life, And together share the moonlight a thousand miles away!但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。


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